Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bullying, Harrasment, Need to Belong

I think that when Mr. Verboomen came in and talked about him being 83 pounds in high school and was bullied so bad and later in school bullied others. That made me see how much people can change. When Schuette came in, he talked about the legal consequences that could happen if we got in trouble for bullying somebody. I have friends who have been in trouble for bullying and been bullied so I do understand from seeing them what it's like. I haven't really ever been bullied but I have bullied other people. By watching the "Flipped" video that is what really made me think more about bullying. People at school don't think Kimberly would ever have a school shooting but it could happen anywhere and that's why bullying is such a problem. There could be somebody at school right now who is being bullied so much they have thought to have bad things happen to school. Since I have bullied people in the past I felt bad for it by seeing the video. I do see bullying at school happen a lot and I see bystanders including myself never stepping up to help the victim. It is sad to see how bad people treat each other. I think more people should have to watch the "Flipped" video in class to maybe change there minds about seeing people being bullied. The school would be a lot better with no bullying. I hope that the more people learn about this, the more they try to help others who are the victim and stand up to stop bullying.

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