Friday, September 24, 2010


The Lobotomist was about Walter Freeman who would take out a part of a person's brain.They thought lobotomy would help cure psychiatric patients. The people who had these surgeries done would have to be retaught everything they learned throughout life.
Back then the people thought Walter Freeman could cure people and thought lobotomy was a success. Later on, Freeman did a surgery on a woman which led to a disaster. She was permanently disabled. Doctors started to notice that the people who had lobotomy surgeries would act childlike. Now, doctors say lobotomy was one of the most barbaric mistakes of modern medicine.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Outrageous Celebrity

Paris Hilton

Behaviors Exhibited: She parties everyday, drinks excessively, bad relationships with her family and friends, hangs out with bad influences, was pulled over and was found with drugs in her purse but claimed the purse wasn't hers and also went to jail for drinking and driving multiple times.

Psychoanalytic: Paris has been famous all her life because she has grown up having a famous family so she has always gotten what she wanted so unconsciously she thought she would get whatever she wanted from everybody else. (police, friends etc..) Also, she would act out in bad ways to get the attention from her parents that never would talk to her.

Biological: When she was younger doctors found a missing chunk in her brain.This will cause her to think and act differently from others like using drugs and drinking.

Cognitive: Since she has a chunk of her brain missing, Paris thinks getting in trouble, using drugs and parting is what all heiresses do.
Humanistic: Her parents don't really realize what Paris's behavior is doing to her and think she is just having fun with her friends so they don't try to help her to try to change her foolish behavior.

Behavioral: The people around her don't try to help her. For every jail time she has had, she always gets off easy which isn't teaching her to change and it's not helping her to stop drinking and stop drugs.

Socio-Cultral: Since Paris was recently arrested in Las Vegas, she thought everybody in Vegas was drinking and had drugs on them, she thought she wouldnt get pulled over and goto jail.

Kiley's Introduction

I like to shop all the time. I go to the mall atleast once a week to shop. I have to big family and we like to travel alot. Most of the time I'm hanging out with my friends and with my family and we always like doing something fun together. I hate chocolate and onions. I hate it so much that i check ingredient labels before eating stuff with onions. My favorite spot is my bedroom because it is fun and colorful and its huge so i have alot of stuff everywhere.